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 "I haven't been everywhere,

but it's on my list"




Traveling is the best way to enrich your life.


There is no such place as far away and there is no feeling like being in a place knowing that only a few human beings already been.

I started travelling when I finished my studies. I was just planning a unique trip but the travel fever took me and I never stopped since then. I don't like following the herd, and I prefer going off the tourist trail and discover the actual life in each country I visit, work or live in.


Travel while you are young, take the time to see the world and enjoy it !

It will open your eyes and give you new perspectives. It will provide you with unforgettable memories and you will meet people who will stay in your heart forever.

Rodrigue introduced me to his family, in Waka, Gabon. Baka pygmy tribes live in the remote tropical forests of Gabon and Cameroon. Photo : Pierre

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